
מאות אלפי ישראלים זכאים לקבל אזרחות רומנית - אירופאית. אלה מכם אשר להם הורים, סבים וסבתות, שנולדו בשטחי רומניה יכולים לבקש את השבת האזרחות הרומנית. כמו כן, כל האזרחים שוויתרו או נאלצו לוותר על האזרחות הרומנית רשאים לבקש את השבת האזרחות.



Sute de mii de israelieni sunt eligibili pentru a primi cetățenie română - europeană. Cei ce aveți părinți, bunici, care s-au născut pe teritoriul Romaniei, pot solicita dobândirea/redobândirea cetățeniei române. De asemenea, toți cetățenii care au renunțat sau au fost obligați să renunțe la cetățenia română, pot solicita redobândirea cetățeniei române.



Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens are eligible to receive Romanian - European citizenship. Those of you who have parents, grandparents who were born in the territory of Romania, can request to claim/regain Romanian citizenship. Also, all citizens who have given up or have been forced to give up Romanian citizenship, may request the re-acquisition of Romanian citizenship.


צרו קשר עכשיו

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שירותים מוצעים

משרדנו עובד עם אנשי מקצוע ומומחים מישראל, רומניה,  בהכנת מסמכים לאזרחות אירופאית - רומנית והם מוכנים לעזור לך לקבל אזרחות אירופאית.

לחץ כאן  לקבלת פרטים על EZRAHUT EUROPA


Biroul nostru lucrează cu profesioniști și specialiști din Israel, Romania,   în pregătirea documentelor pentru cetățenia europeană - română și sunt pregătiți să te ajute în obținerea cetățeniei europene.

Click AICI pentru servicii oferite de EZRAHUT EUROPA


Our office works with professionals and specialists from Israel, Romania,  in preparing documents for European citizenship - Romanian  and they are ready to help you obtain European citizenship.

Click HERE to check out the services we offer

Enter your information below and we will contact you as soon as possible!


Address: Ezrahut Europa, 5 Jabotinsky Street, 15th Floor, HaBursa, Ramat Gan, 52520 - Next to the Diamond Exchange

Phone: 03-6429809;  058-727-2446



Phone/Fax: 03-6429809

Email: contact@ezrahuteu.com



Facebook: Ezrahut Europa